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in A high conflict divorce, 
you're NOT an EQUAL

you're the enemy

Protect yourself against an adversarial partner and

family court system with help from a trained advocate

who has been on the front lines.

Personalized Divorce, Custody and Co-parenting Preparation 

Anywhere in the U.S.

Divorcing a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder or narcissistic traits is a perilous journey. A high conflict divorce coach can help you navigate with strength and strategy
Survive your divorce, protect your family

You want to keep things amicable and act in your children's best interest. But your co-parent is declaring war. 


If you're divorcing a partner with narcissistic personality traits, or experiencing ongoing custody disputes with one, the well-meaning advice from loved ones and many attorneys does not apply. Because our family court system is woefully ill-equipped to see the manipulation, victimhood and cunning charm happening under everyone's nose.


A high conflict parent is self-serving, using coercive control tactics to ruthlessly tip the balance of power in their favor when the relationship ends. Devaluing, intimidation, triangulation and chronic blaming escalate. And when emotional, physical and financial control don't silence you, they use your children and family court system as a weapon. 


Whether you're going through high conflict divorce and custody, planning your way out, or are struggling to co-parent with your hostile ex, we can help.

Get courtroom-ready with a high conflict divorce coach

From the mouth of a coercive controller:

"This is going to be a bloodbath."


your ally and advocate in an abusive divorce

We are certified high conflict divorce coaches who have walked your path and are intensely driven to help counter the emotional and financial ruin of high conflict custody and co-parenting disputes. We're guided by a value system that places the best interest of children above individual parental rights, and to reduce the power imbalance that targeted parents experience.


Stomping On Eggshells coaches are trained through the High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program. Created by national family court advocate, Tina Swithin of One Mom's Battle and author of Divorcing a Narcissist, it's the nation's first and only coaching program specializing in high conflict divorce and custody cases fueled by a narcissistic personality and behaviors associated with coercive control.


We'll guide you through 3 pivotal areas of high conflict divorce and custody that can make or break your case. And, we'll help you adopt an empowered mindset for seeing your situation in a radically new light. 


Click below to meet our certified high conflict divorce coaches and learn more about our revolutionary approach.

The High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program (HCDCCP) is the only certification created by Tina Swithin, founder of One Mom's Battle and educator about divorcing a narcissist or individual with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
If you have experienced narcissistic abuse at the hands of someone with NPD or BPD, you are not alone


The process of divorcing an entitled partneris not quick, amicable or fair. Most court professionals lack understanding of the prevalence and impact of coercive control on the psyche of families. 


While laws and courts are slowly getting up to speed on the covert dynamics of coercive control, we take action now by working with you - the litigant - to increase your custody court literacy and readinessWhen you work with a Stomping On Eggshells certified high conflict divorce coach, you gain a strategic ally and personal advocate to hold your hand through every step of the divorce, custody and co-parenting process so that you're better prepared to navigate a hostile ex-partner within an invalidating system.  


Stomping On Eggshells offers a unique and specialized coaching experience you won't find in traditional divorce coaching, because we are trained to offer strategy, guidance and support across 3 key areas of high conflict divorce, custody and co-parenting.


The 3 LIEs of High Conflict Divorce, Custody & Co-parenting​​


Discover how to think strategically, stay organized and prepare documentation while avoiding pitfalls. 



Learn strategies for effective, productive co-parenting communication and for navigating parent-child challenges.



Find out how to keep your resilience tank full through the mind-numbing ordeal and connect with a coach who 'gets it'.



"Thank you for all your help during my divorce process. I am fortunate to have found you and felt a little more in control when everything seemed like it was falling apart."

-S, Queens County, NY

"While I'm still in the middle of this ugly war, I won this battle. I am so glad I found you." 

-J., Worcester County, MA 

"My husband and I are so grateful [our daughter] has become a client. 
The support and suggestions you have already shared with her have been so helpful.  I believe in the short time [she] has worked with you, she seems a little stronger and a lot less emotional."

-M, Worcester County, MA

"Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your crusade. You are changing lives for the better." 

-K., Middlesex County, MA

"Thanks so much, I've really enjoyed speaking with you and appreciated all your help and resources immensely.  It's great to have someone to speak with about this."

-S., Clackamas County, OR

"Thank you so much! Claudia, you are a gifted coach!"

-S., Berkshire County, MA

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Helping You Get Custody Court-Ready


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Disclaimer: As certified high conflict divorce coaches, our mission is to educate protective co-parents who are experiencing post-separation abuse about its patterns of behaviors to help them respond with strength, knowledge and strategy in contested custody cases and co-parenting situations. While many factors contribute to abusive behaviors, survivors find behaviors exhibiting high degrees of narcissistic qualities to be especially relatable to their experiences. We have professional and lived experiences with domestic violence and post-separation abuse, but we are not qualified to offer legal advice or mental health care. While we are guided by the belief that children's rights to emotional and physical wellbeing should trump individual parental rights regardless of gender, studies show that domestic violence is a gendered crime.***


© 2025 Stomping On Eggshells LLC High Conflict Divorce Custody Coaching content may not be reproduced without permission 

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